Monday, June 6, 2011

Potty Training...or NOT?!?

It's hard to know when the right time for potty training is. I think a lot depends on personality, but we are going to give it a try. We went to the store and they picked out their potties and their big boy pants. They were so excited. They love the little froggy toilet. Don't get me wrong. They don't actually love it as a toilet yet, but they do love to use it for other uses.

Ex. Hunter loves to sit and watch movies on it. It is one awesome chair.

Ex. Ryker on the other hand loves to use his as a snack bowl. His gold fish and fruit loops are always in there with him just snacking away. It sounds gross, but no one has actually used the bathroom in these yet. :)

They also love the attention of sitting on these toilets. We cheer and clap as they sit there, but nothing ever comes out. They do love to take off their diapers now though. So I think that's a good start. I will really start to push it right after their birthday.

But for now, we just love these new stools, snack bowl, and chairs. :)

Ryker is reaching in to grab his toy that he placed in there.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK and may the FORCE BE WITH YOU!!! I couldn't imagine doing TWO!!! Of course, maybe they will encourage each other???! : )
