Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Okuma stay Cut Short-

We went to Okuma about a month ago. We had such a great time getting off the base for a night. I went early on Thursday with the kids and we played at the beach until the room opened up for us. It was a little overcast, but a beautiful day. The water was perfect and we had a great time getting sandy and playing in the water.

Rhett came up with some friends of ours that night after work. We had initially got two nights, but due to Typhoon Songda we only got to stay one night. We had a BBQ when they got up there and the steaks were amazing. Then we put the kids to bed and talked for hours.

The next morning Rhett and Carter headed to the golf course with James and Andrew while me and the little headed to the beach again. We hunted for hermit crabs and played in the water. It was a beautiful day. We headed in and took a quick shower and headed over to eat breakfast with the boys.

We then, did go carts, played on the playground, and even rented a boat for an hour. Unfortunately as I was skiing they made me get back in the boat and they closed down the beach for Typhoon Songda. We drove home and made it back just in time to secure our trampoline for it to be tossed around and destroyed later that evening. :(

It was still such a fun trip and we are going back in July to stay in the cabins for two nights. Wish us luck for good weather.

The babies loved to play in the sand. Ryker was a little nervous about the water at first, but LOVED making castles. He warmed up to the water after watching Hunter plunge through it laughing. It was a blast. The beach is the best.

The first day we got there we went out on an adventure hike and found 83 hermit crabs. It was super crazy. Most of them were pretty small, but we did find a couple BIG ones. All the boys loved it. Taylor and Ryker and me were the "picker uppers" because Carter and Hunter didn't dare. I thought it was weird because Hunter always brings me spiders and says, "Mommy look at this little cutie one." No such thing as a cutie spider. Sorry bud! The crabs tickled his hands though so he didn't like to hold them. He sure found a lot though.

Here were the ones we found the second day. It was such a hit we had to do it twice. :)

This was our favorite thing to do.
Hit the beach and play in the waves together. What a blast of a place to live.

The babies had fun running through the waves together. Taylor just floated and swam the entire time. He even cried after I made him come and get dressed.

One thing about the trip that sucked was that we got eaten up by mosquitoes. I had 38 on my right leg and poor Carter had about 50 on his back. Next time, bug spray is a MUST!!!

Just waiting for the golfers to come back so we can go to breakfast.

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