Monday, June 6, 2011

Quiet Nights-

Rhett got a new game system. He got an XBox 360. He is LOVING it and he has sort of turned into a little child with a new toy. He gets online and plays with his buddies all the time. I have a love/hate relationship with this new toy of his. I love that he is having such a great time. I love that the kids are entertained by it as well, but I hate how Rhett wants to play it ALL THE TIME! Sometimes he forgets that he is watching the kids and they just run free making messes.

I love watching Carter do the Michael Jackson dancing and it's fun to watch the kids have a blast playing. I guess it's not all bad! It's just funny that when he turns it on he goes from being a Doctor to a 13 year old boy in a matter of seconds. :)

I thought this was cute. Taylor had cuddled up to Rhett and fallen asleep while watching him play

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