Monday, June 13, 2011

Frisbee Golf- Mini Style

We finally started doing family night together as a family! Better late than never, right?

Anyway, last night Rhett gave a small lesson on faith. It was cute to see him interacting with the kids. Afterwards, we headed outdoors to play a mean game of frisbee golf together. It was hilarious to see everyone. We all had such a great time. I would say that Rhett and Carter are right up there at the top and me and Ryker are right down near the bottom on winning. :)

It's harder than it sounds. These frisbees are tiny. It's hard for me to even throw a regular sized frisbee let alone a mini one. :)

We came in and had some cookies for dessert, sang a song, and closed it with a prayer. It was a total HIT! All the kids had such a great time and are already throwing ideas for the next "Family Night." I love spending time with the family and am excited to start this new tradition for the family.

Sorry no pictures due to SUCKY internet!!!

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