Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Free to a good home!

This kid is so NAUGHTY! I can't stand it. He is constantly getting the babies to do naughty things and is always stirring up trouble. I don't know if he isn't getting enough attention or what his problem is, but he is driving me to an early grave. It's like he hit his terrible 2's again. I think I will call over our neighbor who is a Chaplain and have him do an exorcism. Maybe I need to shave off all that hair and look for the 666. He is definitely a possessed child. There is no other excuse for all the crap he does.

For example-

This week he snuck outside twice and worried the daylights out of me. I looked all over the house and yard, but he knew that I was looking for him so he kept hiding! Grr...

Then, at our neighborhood BBQ he kept stepping on the side of the pool and letting all the water out just to make the babies cry.

Then, when Carter and I were working on his poster for school he snuck a pencil and drew all over the walls and floor with it. Seriously could have paddled him for that one. I have enough daily messes to clean up without all the added messes of Taylor!

Then, Rhett bought the kids a blow up pool because he felt bad about the trampoline. I look over and Taylor has grabbed some of the hot dog sticks out of the tent stuff and is bashing holes through the box. I pulled the pool out and sure enough he put a hole in it. Nice! We hadn't even opened it yet. He also put a tiny hole in the new couch!

Yesterday, Hunter came up and he was wet. It smelled like pee and so I checked his diaper. It was dry. I asked how he got wet and he said, "Taylor did a pee pee on my clothes." I went to ask Taylor and he got this stupid naughty little look that he does all the time and says, "It was just an accident Mommy." Bull crap! You don't accidently pee all over your little brother. It was in designs for crying out loud... like he drew on him with his pee!

Then, today while I was getting Carter's stuff ready for school and all the little kids were eating he poured his bowl of cereal under the potty chair in the living room. I was so pissed when I found it all ground into the carpet.

I was going to wait to put him into preschool when Carter goes back to school after the Summer, but I am seriously considering putting him in full day right now. I can't stand all the messes and trouble he causes. He is constantly hitting the twins and making them cry and is always climbing onto everything to get snacks that I've told him he couldn't have.

I always wondered why when I went to school how some of the kids lived with their grandparents instead of their parents... well now I get it.

Melanie, if I ship you Taylor will you watch him until he learns how to behave? ;)

Sorry! I just had to vent for a minute. He is driving me BONKERS!

(Taylor I love you and I'm glad you're in my family! Just sometimes more than others!)


  1. Don't worry - he'll grow up some day. I used to think that there was something wrong with Jace because he was so mean to Brooke but he's much better now. I love you, Becs. Parenting is hard most of the time. Hang in there.

  2. Hang in there! Just keep telling yourself that you get a nice long break in August! Then when I come home in a week you are always welcome to drop him or all of them off for a break! We love you! Good luck with everything thankfully he should grow out of it.
