Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Picnics in the yard-

We are loving being on Summer break. Everyday we jump on the tramp, play in the pool, and Mommy even let's us eat our lunch outside sometimes.

Hunter caught in the act of trying to dip his hotdog in the pool water. Yuck!

I love that my kids have been really getting along well lately. They love playing together and we look forward to doing more fun stuff together this summer. I love you little guys!

I thought this was cute. I had asked Carter where they wanted to eat and he immediately set up the picnic blanket on the lawn. They had a great time eating hot dogs, watermelon, carrots, and chips. What a fun little activity!

We also went to library and got a ton of books to read together. They have a fun summer reading program and Carter is so excited to be able to earn prizes for reading fun stories.

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