Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This is why... kids get dry cereal in a cup for breakfast every morning! Enough said-

It has been one of those hard weeks again. I was really sick last week and got behind on the laundry, dishes, housework..... yada yada yada. Anyway, I feel like I can't quite get caught back up. If I put on a movie for the kids they just destroy one room while I clean another. It is really hard.

Oh and we are potty training-It is
messy, yucky, dirty, gross, disgusting, impossible, never ending
Hunter is really starting to pick it up though. Ryker loves to pee behind the couch still.

Oh, and Taylor decided to poop in a bubble container up in his room yesterday. That was the grossest mess ever. I scrubbed that container of bubbles so much and it still smells like poop. lol. Just kidding. I threw it right away. Who needs poop bubbles anyway?

Carter- I love you the most. Don't tell your brothers, but you are the best little helper. You are always asking me if I need help. Thank you for grabbing an extra magic eraser and scrubbing marker off all the walls with me today. You ROCK my world! If I could trade your brothers in for three more Carter's I totally would. You also took out the trash and set the table without even being asked.

Hunter- today you found a marker and went to town on the walls. Ryker- you pooped on the floor twice and stepped in it leaving poo foot prints all over. Taylor- you dumped out an entire box of cereal on the floor looking for the bloody prize. You three can all go to hell! Me and Carter are going to have a special date tomorrow. I hope you have fun with your Daddy!

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