Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So we had this large tropical storm a couple days ago and this ugly guy decided to move in with us-

I was doing the laundry and saw the babies chasing something excitedly. I look over right as Hunter reached down to grab this spider. I of course, like any good Mother, jumped on top of the washer and started screaming my lungs out for Rhett. The babies continued to try and grab him so they could play with him. He finally scurried under the dishwasher to escape the little ones.

I went to do the dishes the next day and he had the nerve to come out and run right at me. I screamed and almost wet myself- While Rhett is laughing and telling me to stomp the bloody spider. You have got to be kidding me. I had bare feet.

So, anyway... I didn't do the dishes for two days straight, but finally ran out of clean dishes and anything paper. I asked Rhett to pick up some paper plates on his way home and he told me firmly to face my fear and do the freakin' dishes.

Rhett came home to me doing the dishes in my tall winter boots. I was ready for stomping if it came to that. Rhett asssured me that it had probably already made it's way up to my bedroom. EWWW!!! Thanks a lot Rhett! I hate NOT knowing where it is in my house.

Other little crawlies that came in during the storm are-

3 furry or hairy caterpillars. Yes, I'm pretty sure they are poisonous.
2 grasshoppers. The babies were thrilled about these.
2 worms. They were just a flipping and flapping away on my kitchen floor.
3-4 little spiders and 1 BIG FAT UGLY DADDY ONE!


Oh and while we are on subject of the tropical storm--

It was really rainy and pretty windy. I told Rhett that we should go outside and flip the brand new trampoline over so it wouldn't go anywhere. Rhett ran out and checked on it. He assured me that it wasn't going anywhere. We continually checked on it up until we went to bed that night. It was still firmly where we had placed it. I again asked Rhett if we should just run out and sand bag it. His reply again, that it wasn't going anywhere.

Well, the next morning we woke up and Rhett looked at me a little bit panicked and said, "Oh crap... the trampoline is gone." I looked outside and sure enough it was nowhere in eyesight.

We ran outside together and saw it down at the bottom of the hill. In my panic I didn't really think about my attire. I was wearing a white tank top and a pair of pajama bottoms. You'll see why this is so important soon enough-

We trudged down the hill and grabbed the tramp together. It was still pouring sheets of rain and it was so hard to pull it up the hill. I lost my footing and slid down the hill on my back while Rhett was cracking up on the other side. For the record, he did ask if I was okay before he started laughing. I got up covered in mud and grabbed my side of the trampoline and we finally got it up. He flipped it over and pulled the sand bags over the top of it. That's when Rhett started laughing again. I looked down and sure enough you could see EVERYTHING through my tank top. I mean everything... it looked like I had entered a wet t-shirt contest. I quickly covered up and ran to the patio hoping and praying none of the neighbors saw the show!


The trampoline is just fine and Rhett learned that it is always better to listen to me than risk me saying, "I told you so!" :)

Anyway, this has been a crazy little adventure living over here. The bugs are HUGE. Oh, and for the record because I sound like such a baby...

I am only scared to death of SPIDERS. I go out grasshopper hunting and hermit crab hunting all the time with the little boys. I find spiders terrifying and thought our year in Hawaii would have cured me because of all the cain spiders, but it has just made my fear even greater.

Hunter and Ryker LOVE insects. They bring me everything from beetles to grasshoppers. Hunter even brought a little spider to me the other day. I believe his words were, "Look at this cutie spider. It's so liddle." Sorry buddy, but no spider is cute!

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