Thursday, May 24, 2012


I love watching the little boys follow their Dad. They just adore him. It reminds me of a mother duck and her ducklings. 

We had to drop Rhett off at the airport for his deployment last week and it was such a hard thing to do. Rhett will be gone for about 7 months and we will really miss him. I was a lot more emotional than I had anticipated, hence the sunglasses on. I was pretty weepy and I hope the days fly by so we can be back together again. 

The kids had fun following Daddy through the airport and giving him lots of kisses and hugs before he had to leave! We love you babe! 

Final snuggles... for awhile anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the time goes fast for all of you. Love you--if you get lonely give me a call.
