Monday, May 14, 2012

Derby Fest 2012

We had a great time at Derby Fest again this year. We cheered for lots of different ones, but really wanted the 18th Medical's to win.

We had fun drinking gatorade and watching all the different types of cars. This canoe was the boys favorite.  The guys driving it were HILARIOUS! They each had on lifejackets and paddles to try and make them go faster. They definitely win for performance alone. :)

We even got to "share" some cotton candy while we watched! Ryker had a small big tantrum while we were there about the cotton candy, but overall he had a really great time together.

The little boys missed their Dad and made sure to let me know which ones they thought Daddy would love. It was such a great day! I love spending time with the boys and can't wait for Summer to start so we can begin our "adventures" together. I can hardly wait to find some great new spots on the island to enjoy!


  1. That looks like tons of fun! What a creative bunch--I'll bet it was a riot to watch.

  2. lol. That looks awesome, what a fun day. I think the canoe is my favorite too. It looks like you guys had a great day outside.
