Monday, May 21, 2012

Fishing.... for tadpoles-

Sometimes you just need a break to PLAY with your kids. I love this. I mean really love being able to just relax and laugh. You just seem to enjoy them more when you aren't stressed about cleaning or what you're going to make for dinner. I know my kids love it too and often say, "Mommy can you play with us?"

I am going to make a goal for myself to play more often and just enjoy their sweet little personalities. They are growing up so fast before and I don't want to miss anything.

The other day Carter was begging to go and catch some tadpoles. This is not a weird request and we go "bug hunting" quite a bit together. We grabbed some containers and Noah and off we went. We found a small little pond where the rain runoff ends up. Their were hundreds of tadpoles in it. We all had such a blast dipping in container and seeing how many we caught. We made it a little competition of who could catch the biggest one. I am proud to say I WON! Yes. I rock! :)

I love their expressions. It was like, "What Mom? We're busy right now!"

Taylor making a handoff to Carter of one he caught! I love those hands.

Ryker helping Carter and Noah. :) Or maybe he's just admiring their catch!

They were all pretty little, but we did catch quite a few that had some hind legs. Carter begged to bring them home and I actually said yes..... until a couple days later they were attracting mosquitoes and starting to stink.

Carter volunteered to go dump them back in the pond. I think I'm more of a catch and release kind of girl. I don't like them coming home.

I love this picture of Ryker checking out his bottle seeing if he caught any. We used all sorts of containers that the little boys found. We had water bottles, a milk jug, tupperware, and I even saw Hunter using and old pop can to try to catch the little buggers.

Taylor preferred his hands and caught a lot. They were a little to slimy for my taste and I stuck with the milk jug. It's funny that the kids are completely in the water. I stayed on land and dry.... and still caught the biggest one! :) Fun day with boys!


  1. Way to Go! You ROCK Mamma! Looks like you and the boys had a blast. The twin you said was Ryker looking at the bottle looked like Hunter. I'm not going to be able to tell the difference in them. They look so much alike. It's fun to forget the housework and just play with the kids. I remember going out and playing tag with your guys when we lived in Tooele. It was a fun break.

  2. How fun! You are such a good mom :)

  3. I still like catching tadpoles. Guess I'm not old enough to be a mom yet. ha ha. That really is fun!
