Monday, May 7, 2012

Shuri Castle-

I have been wanting to take the kids to Shuri Castle for awhile. With Rhett being gone we were really looking for fun things so off we went. I grabbed Carter's friend Noah and the my boys and we all had such a good time. It was HOT though. We ended up getting ice cream at the end because I needed something to cool off. The kids definitely enjoyed this. :)

This was a little replica of the castle made out of wood. I asked who wanted to take their picture in front of it and Hunter jumped at the chance. I then made him extremely mad when he started to climb into it. and I said he couldn't. I guess to him it looked like a really awesome fort to play in.

One fun thing they had was a map with stamps on it. You would run from one little stamp station to the next collecting all the stamps. The kids loved this. It kept them walking without complaining about the heat and at the end you taded in your map for some cool Japanese stickers.

These trees had the coolest roots! We totally had to stop and play on them for a few minutes.

Hunter is showing me his spiderman pose.

Here is Carter at one of the stamp station. Seriously, such a cool thing for the kids.

Below- Noah took a picture of me and the boys in front of the Castle. It was cool.

We got to walk inside and it was gorgeous. It was definitely a place worth visiting. We had a great time together.

This four leaf clover was given to me by the sweetest Japanese guy. He stopped to say "Kawae" about the kids and was shocked that I had five little boys with me. I explained that only four of them were mine and he said, "You are so blessed, BUT you need much luck." :) Then, he pulled out this four leaf clover and handed it to me. I thought it was very generous. 

Carter and his friend Noah. They have a great time together from making forts, playing basketball, and even catching tadpoles. It's nice to have friends!


  1. Looks like a great time! That's so funny about the four leaf clover. I miss you guys, your boys are getting so big.

  2. Looks like another fun day with the Olsen's. That's pretty sweet someone gave you a four leaf clover. I used to sit in the grass searching for them when I was little. Once when I found one my brother gave me a dollar. Totally good luck that time.
