Saturday, May 19, 2012

Basketball Boys

Rhett had me sign up the big boys for basketball this year. Then, he left! Grr... that left me taking them to practice twice a week and games every Saturday. It is bittersweet that today was the last game!  I am thrilled that I don't have to wrestle with the babies on the bleachers anymore, but it was so fun to cheer them on.

Minus the one fight I got into with another Mom it was a great season! Lots of fun for the little boys.

Carter is getting to be quite the shot. We need to work on the dribbling a little, but he is doing really well!

He is pretty tall and it works to his advantage when rebounding. Good job Carter!

That is Carter's coach. Coach Walker was great for the boys. He was pretty competitive and taught them a lot about basketball! He is on the Air Force team and is really good.

Taylor was an absolute RIOT to watch this year. The very first practice he came home and said, "My basketball teacher said that I just need to work on spinning it on my finger... I'm good at EVERYTHING else."

I then, went to the next practice which just made the statement even funnier. He is getting better, but is more interested in dancing around the court while waving and smiling to me in the stands. :) He is such a funny little guy!

Tell me that defense doesn't make you nervous? lol. He is such a little peanut!

 Today was the last game so they each had a fun party at the end where they received a trophy. Taylor was in heaven. His coach came up and said, "I am going to miss Taylor the very most. He always has the biggest smile on his face." It made me smile to know that he is such a joy to other people as well.

We got pictures done and already got Taylor's back. Still waiting on Carter's. Sorry about the flash. He had such a fun coach. She had so much patience! :)


  1. I love your pictures. They made me smile, Carter is getting so big, and Taylor is so funny. He is starting to remind me of Justin. I remember going to a few of his games that he was the best player on the team, and thinking that he must just be having an off day. lol.

  2. Little Boys in basketball is so fun. Amazing they learn as much as they do. You are a good Mamma to go to so many ball games. Way to go. Looks like they had fun. I LOVE that Taylor told you he needs to practice spinning the ball on his finger!!! What a NUT!
