Monday, May 14, 2012

Giraffe Park-

I have to say that we just LOVE the parks in Japan. We came across this fun slide and the kids played forever on it. It was just a race to get back up to the top. Over and over again. They all had such a good time and the weather was perfect! 

We are gearing up for Rhett to leave and I just have a sick feeling. I missed him so much for the month he was gone and am really dreading him being gone for the next seven. I have good friends though and know that we will survive. The good news though is that I should be better about blogging. He loves checking up on the boys and has made me promise to keep up on it! :) 


  1. That slide looks AWESOME!! Is it made out of cement though? ouch.

  2. Japan totally has the best parks. lol. I want to come and play. I do so much better on my blog when Ben is gone, I take so many more pictures too.

  3. You guys have SO MUCH FUN!!!! Keep it up, even with Rhett gone. It'll be tough, but the time will go faster if you are busy doing fun things.
