Monday, May 28, 2012


We had a super moon and a solar eclipse just a few days apart. The boys loved seeing them both, but were SO TIRED! We stayed up late looking at the moon and then we had to wake up super early to see the solar eclipse. It was pretty overcast, but made the eclipse nice so we could see it without hurting our eyes!

Another note- We watched Harry Potter and cleaned out the closet under the stairs for Carter and Taylor to camp out in for a few days. They LOVE it. lol. Kids are so funny. I prefer my nice comfy bed thanks!


  1. I love your closet under the stairs. It's so weird, I've seen Harry Potter a few times, and I've never wanted to sleep in a closet under the stairs. lol

  2. I love that they wanted to be like Harry Potter and sleep under the stairs! You are a good Mom to let them have such fun adventures.

  3. Nice picture of the Moon and Eclipse. That's fun that you went out and enjoyed them as a family.

  4. Cool pictures!! I didn't even take my kids out to see it and it wasn't late or anything. I figured we had better not take the chance of ruining their eyes since they will probably be horrible anyways with my genes.

    I love Harry Potter. We don't get to watch it much because Jace hates it. Whenever Brooke and I have time together we have a Harry Potter fest. :)
