Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Model Behavior?

We have had the opportunity to attend 3 baptisms this month. I decided to take my camera to one of them and take a few pictures of the boys for their Dad. 

I think my boys are so adorable! Yes, I am totally biased. They are such posers. lol I love it! :)

I really miss you Rhett especially on Sundays. The kids are not great at church. 

We have the 9:00 branch and It seems like we are always running late. We always end up sitting out in the hall waiting for the first meeting to be over. Anyway, on Mother's day I made sure that we got there early. When we walked in my big boys walked straight up to the front of the chapel and sat down next to The Jenks family on the second aisle. I thought maybe they had a program for Mother's Day so I didn't really think twice about it until they were passing the sacrament and had announced the program. No primary singing. Hmm, weird. I quietly walked up the aisle and retrieved Taylor and Carter. When we got back to our seats it dawned on me that they went right to their primary chairs. We are ALWAYS late and so when we went in they just assumed it was time for primary. lol. I guess I need to do a better job of being on time. For the record, Ashley Jenks just rolled with it. She just thought we weren't there and had sent the boys with someone else. She is so great! :)

Oh, and apparently when you put your hands around your eyes it makes you yell louder! lol

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