Monday, May 28, 2012

Allowance... or not?!?

The boys and I sat down together and made a new RULES list. We needed to change things up with Rhett being gone and it was nice to have them help make the rules. We also made new chore charts. I felt like they were ready to start earning a little bit of money and I really need them to help out a little more. I saw this little container and thought it would be perfect for them to keep their money in.

I thought wrong for the little boys. I came downstairs to this a couple days ago. I asked Hunter and Ryker why they ripped their money and they said," Now we have lots more money." Hmm.... I can see their point, but from now on they will be getting paid in coins not dollars. lol


  1. At least they aren't tearing up their brother's money. I remember when Justin was little, he stole Heather's money Every Single Day!
