Thursday, July 19, 2012

Early morning shell hunting

Early morning snuggles for Grandpa. Who doesn't want to wake up to cute grandkids climbing in your bed to give you hugs?

All the kids harassing this poor bird. lol

Hunting for shells and the perfect sand dollar!

We found a starfish and LOTS of crabs. My kids were in heaven! 

Heather and Craig and their adorable kids. It was so good to be able to spend some time with them!

Ryker warming up.

Carter taking a few minutes to talk to his Daddy. We really have missed you Rhett and can't wait until you get home. Until then, we will just enjoy the technology of skype! The kids absolutely LOVE to get on and talk to Rhett. They tell him everything. :)

1 comment:

  1. About the only time I like to wake up early is when I'm at the beach. It's just so fun to go and see what you might find before the crowds come and step on all the shells. I love that you found the starfish! That was a cool find!
