Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kites on the beach

Grandma and Grandpa bought the coolest kites for our birthday gifts! We got star wars and they were such good fliers. These box kites were way easy to get up and flew pretty awesome.  

Grandpa helping Jace get his cool fighter pilot kite up in the air.

Heather working on the fairy kite while I flew Taylor's star wars.

Some of the kids flying their kites!

This was one of my favorite activities that we did. I have always loved to fly kites and these kites were SO COOL! I loved watching all my little boys take a turn holding the rope and their longing glances up into the sky.

We had such a great time in Oceanside with Heather's family and my parents. 

I think we did have one crash landing in between a couple of parked cars and poor Jace had such a hard time reeling back in his kite, but overall it went really smooth! 

Carter really wished he could bring home his kite, but we just didn't have any room. I told him that next time we go to Grandma's that he can fly it. There always seems to wind blowing in Hurricane! :)

Thanks for the fun activity Grandma and Grandpa.

I loved that one the way back to the timeshare I glanced back to check on the kids and saw this. Cousins are so fun!

1 comment:

  1. Reading you blog of the vacation just makes me miss you guys so much. We miss you! I'm glad the boys had fun with the kites.
