Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Zion National Park

My parents took us to one of their very favorite places and I can see why it is. It was so gorgeous up there. What a wonderful place to have close by. We had fun riding the tram up the mountain, watching the video at the visitor's center, spotting deer and turkeys, hiking, and just spending time together with Grandma and Grandpa. 

I was telling my parents that J.L. was pretty big up in Zion so we were so excited to see a picture of him on the wall and see him in the Zion video. J.L. was such a fun part of our lives and Carter still remembers sneaking down there as a little boy and getting cookies from Fern and J.L.

Hunter was obviously being buggy in this picture. lol. He just kept licking my legs. Hence the laughter on my face.

Seriously, what a fun place though. I would have loved to had more time to hike and ride a bike down the canyon with my Dad. He used to do that every Saturday with Jenny and I think it would be a blast to just enjoy the atmosphere and fresh air. 

Thanks for sharing this place with us Mom and Dad. I can't wait to go back. For the record I didn't see the turkey so I still win! lol. Carter you little twerp!!! We had a contest to see who could see the most deer. I was ahead until Carter spotted a stinking turkey. That was three points. :) The bus driver thought we were funny!

When we got to the top of the canyon Grandpa surprised us by pulling out some yummy snacks. The only rules were to make sure that whatever you bring into the canyon you leave with. My boys took this extremely serious and when we got done Taylor handed me a slice of orange and a few goldfish that had fallen onto the ground. He placed them in his pocket to take back out with us. What a good boy.

The other rule was to NOT feed the wildlife. I thought this rule would be the easy one to follow. Little did I know that the squirrels are crazy about snacks. Ryker had a sucker and this squirrel jumped up onto the wall to get closer. Then it leaned out it's cute little hands to try to grab the sucker he had. I was laughing so hard. Ryker did a pretty good job of holding onto his sucker until a few minutes later he handed it to the little guy. I was so EMBARRASSED. People were walking by watching this little squirrel with a sucker and wondering who fed the wildlife. Meanwhile our whole family had suckers in our mouths except Ryker who had shared. lol It was pretty funny.

Yeah, that squirrel knew what a sucker was and he wanted it. lol

Ryker got lazy like normal and begged Grandpa for a ride back to the bus.


  1. I still crack up laughing when I think of that squirrel eating Ryker's sucker. He looked so funny and he ate every bite! I love Zion and it was especially fun seeing it with you guys!

  2. I miss riding the canyon! Did Dad gobble at the turkeys for you? I was always a little embarrassed when we did that in front of other people. The squirrel made me laugh so hard I almost choked. Did mom tell you one stole her costco muffin? They are sneaky little stinkers.

  3. Ahhh, you look so beautiful in these pictures! I love zion's. It's been too long. Although, whenever I hear the song Forever Young I think back to our Zion Ponderosa days, driving down the switchbacks.
