Monday, July 9, 2012

St. George Fun

After we dropped Chase off at the MTC we headed back to St. George. We had a great time visiting with Melanie and cooling off any way we could. It was HOT!!! The kids played with the hose, squirt guns, and we even hit up the splash pad a couple times.

I love St. George and it was such a great time to see the Olsen Family. I also got to get my Cafe Rio fix. It was just as good as I remembered and I'm sure I gained about 10 lbs. just being home. Worth it! :)

They were trying to shoot Melanie and I with the guns. lol. It was pretty close and quite honestly it was so hot I don't think I would have even minded being shot with water!

Sorry Melanie, I hardly pulled the camera out.

Here is Hunter talking to Dad. It was cute I asked him where Dad was the other day and he said, "My Dad's a computer." I guess that would sort of seem like it to a 3 year old.

We are lucky enough to get to skype with Daddy almost everyday. It is definitely the highlight of the day and it's fun to see the kids enjoying telling him stories and about their day. We miss you Rhett!

We went to see the movie "Brave" with the kids and I took Hunter and Taylor out to use the restroom. They started to run into the bathroom as someone was coming out. Hunter got his finger pinched in the backside of the door. OUCH! I took him into the girls restroom and cleaned him up. Another Mom had some tylenol and we grabbed the first aid kit to find a few bandaids and an ice pack. I came out to Taylor BAWLING. He thought he was lost. Poor little buddy. It was a little rough!

They have this fun merry go round down at the splash pad and the kids LOVED riding it. We had so much fun together. St. George has so many fun things to do with the kids.

After the merry go round we got snow cones and watched part of Sandlot. They were playing it in the park. It was so much fun to play and visit with Melanie. We love you Melanie. Sorry you were so exhausted from your trip, but we had a great time with you!

1 comment:

  1. St. George is a fun place! So beautiful. That water park/splash pad is a great place to cool off. I love that they now have a carousel too.
