Thursday, July 19, 2012

Old Town

Oh man, I have been slacking! I want to finish up the trip home so hopefully I can bust out a couple posts in the next couple days! 

Back to Oceanside fun-

While we were in Oceanside we decided to head to San Diego and hit up the Mormon Battalion. It was so much fun. You go from room to room learning about what the Mormon Battalion was and what they did. At the very end we got to pan for gold. This was definitely the highlight for the kids. I thought they were never going to be done.

We started by going to Old Town and hit up a Mexican Restaurant. 

The kids were such good eaters that I took them into this candy store and let everyone pick out a treat. Everyone had a blast choosing, but it was pretty hard when there are barrels of candy to choose from.

Thank you so much Heather and Craig for babysitting while me and Carter went kayaking together!

Panning for gold. Look at all that gold. Carter was SO disappointed when we walked out and Grandpa said, "Don't you wish that was real?" lol Carter's mouth just dropped and he said, "Wait... this isn't real?" It was funny!

We had such a good day with Heather's family and Grandma and Grandpa.


  1. Such a fun trip for us Bec! It was so good to see you. I'm so glad that you 'crashed' our vacation since we 'crashed' mom and dad's! lol ;)

  2. You have been a very busy blogger! It was a lot of fun to go into Old Town. Thanks for sharing your Mexicaan food!!!! I forgot what I ordered, but it wasn't very good. None of the little kids would eat them either. So thanks for sharing your delicious meal! I loved it!

  3. So cute! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

    I'd love to feature this post on our San Diego-based site. Email me for details! :)

    shondra (at) dwellable (dot) com

