Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spending time with Julie and Ben

My sister Julie and her husband were able to sneak up for a couple days to play with us. We hit the lake together and did a fun hike by the Virgin River. I absolutely love her and was SO HAPPY to finally meet their adorable baby Dylan. I have to say that he is such a cute baby, but boy does she have her hands full. He is one busy boy and I don't think I've ever seen him sleep. lol

The twins thought Dylan's baby floaty was so FUN! They kept playing in it.

It was fun to be able to see Ben. He has been deployed and actually arrived home the same day that we arrived. I'm sure he was so happy to be back with his family.

That little stinker Dylan just melts my heart. He has this smile that lights up his entire face and I had a ball playing with him.

Julie couldn't get enough of my big boys so she took them home with her for a two night sleep over. My boys were in Heaven. They are just too fun. They played at a water park and played video games until the wee hours. Thanks Julie and Ben for making it so special for them. They have missed you so much and talk about our house in Vegas quite often. They also LOVE the dogs and tell all their friends that they have dogs. They just live at your house. lol. Silly little guys! Thanks for coming to see us. I have missed you so much Jewlz.

Carter and I out practicing for our Ocean Kayaking tour we signed up for in Oceanside. Carter loved the kayak so much that Grandma signed us up for the La Hoya Caves tour.  I told Carter I was just going to relax and let him do all the paddling. It didn't quite go like that, but that's for another post. lol

We hiked down the Virgin River and the boys got to swim. lol. They were so excited because the water was so warm. It also smelled a little funky though. Dylan was cute to watch splash and play. He is truly a water baby!

Look at that cute butt. lol. He is always just so happy. Let me know if you want this picture off Julie. I just thought it was so cute and I have very little of you guys together.


  1. You guys are quite the adventurers--swimming in the muddy Virgin River looks like a great way to cool off on a hot summer day.

  2. I love Confluence Park! I would take the dogs there to cool off all the time, and dogs and kids are almost the same thing, right? ha ha ha...

  3. I'm so glad you got to see us all, especially me. ;) wink wink lol
