Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our trip to the states- Lake Edition

Well, I have been a little absent from the blog lately and am looking through hundreds of pictures that I want on here. Yikes... I guess I had better get to it. We went home for about a month and LOVED every second of it. We saw so many loved ones and I can proudly say that I saw each one of my brothers and sisters on this trip plus many more loved ones! I love you guys.

One of our favorite things to do was hit the lake with Grandma and Grandpa's new kayaks. Seriously we had so much fun cruising the lake. Carter has found a new love and was so great at it. He would go out by himself all the time and even started giving the little kids rides. :)

We had a great time snorkeling and looking at all the ugly brown fish. Thanks Josh! lol. He convinced me that the fish were SO COOL and I had to get in and snorkel to really enjoy them. We are used to the East China Sea and it's gorgeous snorkeling... plus it's like bath water. The lake, not so much! :)

Just a little pre warning, I took loads of pictures and have had a really hard time narrowing them down so it's my blog so I'm just going to post as many as I want. ;)

Josh was playing "shark" with all the little ones and I haven't seen my babies laugh so hard in a while. It was fun to have Uncle Josh there to play. He also taught us how to play "No bears are out tonight." There was not a dull moment with his adorable kids and I was so glad that I was able to visit with them and get to know his babies! I haven't seen Josh in about three years so this little reunion has been very long overdue. I love you Josh and you have a wonderful family! My kids were so excited to meet more cousins.

Hey Dad, I have no clue how sand got in your paddles. lol This may have been a small factor though!

The kids ran up and down that dock so many times. I did push one of the babies in off the edge and thought it was hilarious. Hunter DID NOT. He ran to Grandma to warn up in a towel and glared at me for a good twenty minutes. I get my teasing from my Dad. I have tried to stop, but it's just too hard. Plus, I think it builds character.

The kids wanted to write you a message Rhett. Carter was so proud of himself for the kayaking and said several times, "I just wish that my Dad was here to see how good I am." We had a great time, but your presence was definitely missed.

Here's a little picture for you so you don't forget what I look like. ;) I could put on your uniform, but I think those are so UGLY on girls. I haven't seen one who could pull it off yet. lol.

Carter out kayaking by himself and the girls just relaxing on the sand. I also LOVED meeting that adorable baby Alex. He was so happy and cuddly. I loved those sweet dimples and long hair. Good job guys. He is an absolute angel.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, it was so fun to have you and your little ones here for a while. We did have fun playing at the lake with you! I know Space A travel was tough, but I'm so glad you braved it and came. We sure love you!
