Thursday, July 19, 2012

Oceanside Fun

While in Oceanside my Mom decided to throw a "Happy UNbirthday Party." We played a balloon toss game and it was hilarious. Carter and Jace did great, but the winners ended up being Hunter and Ryker. The reason was that Ryker refused to EVER throw the balloon to Hunter. lol It was awesome! :) She also gave all the kids really cool kites for a birthday gift!

I love Jace's face in this. Brooke and Taylor were partners and they did a great job too!

I got to meet and quickly fell in love with another adorable baby! Ty was an absolute doll. I am still amazed at what a sweet baby he is. He was full of giggles and smiles and I wanted so much to take him home with me. :) I loved being able to spend some time with Heather and her wonderful family. It is hard to be so far from home, but it was great to be able to meet and play with the family. Thanks for letting us crash your vacation Heather and Craig.

Carter showing off his new kite! It was so cool.

It is funny to me with all the fun things that we had done on the vacation swimming is still my kids all time favorite thing to do.

 We loved the timeshare pool and spent lots of time down there. We took some squirt guns that Grandma had bought for the party and they had an ultimate WAR with them. Poor Grandma was trapped right in the middle of it. She had kids jumping in all around her and her poor eyes got splashed like crazy. I have to say though.... Mom you are such a great lady. You truly are so fun to be around!

Mom and Dad my kids just love you to death and had such a great time at the timeshare playing with you. Thanks for entertaining them. :) We seriously had such a great time visiting!

Carter stills talks about how much fun he had in your kayak. Although he doesn't want to ride with me in the Ocean again. lol. I'm sure I'll talk him into it soon!

I have so many pictures so there is definitely more to come from this fun trip home! Stay tuned-

Playing in the water with Ryker!

This little love bug was beyond adorable and we had so much fun giggling together. What a sweet smile he has and AGAIN... he is such a good baby!

1 comment:

  1. We have decided that Oceanside is one of our new favorite places to go in the timeshare. I just love the ocean, and there was so much fun things to do in the San Diego area. I wish you could have stayed a little longer. Dad found the best snorkeling ever! He saw so many interesting things. Way more fun than San Hollow. It was slightly colder than San Hollow though. lol.
