Thursday, July 5, 2012

Snail Hunting

Another funny thing that my kids LOVED doing at Grandma's was to go "snail hunting." Snail hunting basically consists of going out in the backyard with Grandma after they have watered. Then, you just collect all the snails you can find and throw them into the KILL BUCKET! lol. The kill bucket is a bucket with tons of dead snails and SALT. :) Then, you just stir them up. Grandma hates that she gets so many snails in her yard and so she gets rid of them like this. lol. My kids LOVED IT!

"What Mom, it's so GROSS! I'm not touching it." Then, he called over Ryker to get it. He was a good spotter, but such a wuss at picking them up.

The three little ones were great at grabbing the snails and loved helping Grandma. They helped her pull them off the wall, out of the waterfall, and even from under the bushes. What a fun game Grandma. My kids love bug hunting and I was a little worried about how they would feel about the KILL BUCKET, but they thought it was so cool and loved to help stir them up.


  1. It's always great having help with the snails! We didn't get them all though. There were about 8 floating in the pond when I got back!

  2. This cracked me up big time because it's one of my kids favorite things to do at grandma's house too! lol Jace was more like Carter though ... he's a great spotter but doesn't want to get his hands dirty.
