Sunday, July 8, 2012

Salt Lake Fun

We had the opportunity to go up to Salt Lake for my Nephew Chase's farewell. It was so much fun. We got to see all the cousins and nobody can crack me up quite like Steph. :) 

We were also able to see both of my Grandma's. I wish we lived closer so that my kids could really get to know these wonderful ladies. I feel bad I didn't get a picture with Grandma Carmen. I left the camera out in the car. :(

We got to go and pick up Melanie from the airport and boy were my kids glad to see her. She was returning from a fun and freezing trip to Peru. :)

We had so much fun with the family. We watched movies, ATE tons of food, went swimming, and even went bowling. It was a total blast just visiting. We also had fun with all of Chase's upcoming mission events. We are so proud of you Chase. :)

The little ones had big snuggles for cousins and Grandma. It was so much fun seeing everyone again. 

I love all the expressions in this photo. lol

Grandma bought these fun necklaces in Peru for the boys. They are so cool! We also got a gorgeous table runner. :) Thanks for the fun souvenirs Melanie.

The Grandkids.

Thanks for letting us come and visit. We really enjoyed the farewell and I can't believe how grown up Chase is. I know he'll be a great missionary! We really had a blast with you guys and can't wait until we can see you again!

We also got to spend some time with Tiffanie, Tom, and David. Sorry you guys dodged the camera, but we are so glad we got to see you! :)


  1. I love your pictures. It's so fun to to hear all the things that you guys are up to. I'm so happy that you had the chance to see everyone while you were here.

  2. What beautiful big family pictures. Steph's little one reminds me a little of Jessica. Her kids are just growing right up!
