Thursday, July 26, 2012

La Jolla Cave Kayaking

The last fun activity that we got to do in Oceanside was the La Jolla Caves. Carter and I got to go on a special sunset kayaking tour through the caves. 

Thank you Heather and Craig for babysitting the three little ones so I could spend some special time with Carter.

Obviously I am extremely excited... lol. Look at that expression as I sign away any rights to suing in case of death or injury. :)  

Here we are just waiting on the beach for our tour to start. My plan was to let Carter paddle the WHOLE time and just relax in the back of the kayak enjoying the view. The reality was a little tougher. I ended up paddling A LOT. I asked Carter what happened to the plan and he gave me the cutest grin ever and said, "I guess I got tired."

Taken by my parents from up above the caves. We had watched everyone paddling in and 9 out of 10 boats totally ate it. I was prepared to tip and poor Carter just about hopped out before we even hit the waves. For the record..... we tipped hardcore! It was a really cold walk back to the store to turn in our equipment, but I was a good Mommy and let Carter wear my DRY dress back. lol. He was very appreciative and looked as pretty as ever! :) We got back to the timeshare and warmed up in the hot tub. Thanks again Mom and Dad for letting us play with you. We had such a great time!

Stay tuned for the longest post EVER. The Space A trip home. 

1 comment:

  1. The kayaking adventure was kind of a One Time Deal. I kind of got sea sick just sitting out on the ocean waiting for the other kayaks to gather together at each stopping spot. I'm glad I did it though. It was fun. Dad and I totally biffed it at the end. I forgot I was supposed to lean WAY back. Oops.
