Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SeaWorld with Friends

I was so happy that Steph was able to meet up with us in California. She has been my best friend for years and years! I still miss the days at Rosewood apartments. The simple life, right Steph? All the UFC fight nights, game nights, and just spending time together. Thanks for making the trip to see us! We love you and your family so much. It was really fun to play with you.

Steph got a hotel room for the night so we headed over to party it up with her. All I have to say is that 2 amazing women plus 7 crazy kids = 1 great time! Thanks for picking up pizza. I'm sorry that Emily had such a rough time going to sleep for you. :( The kids favorite thing about the hotel besides the pool was the continental breakfast in the morning. lol. Carter and Shaely made the most horrific waffles I have ever seen. It was like a plate of pure syrup and whipped cream. :) The kids thought it was so cool they could get whatever they wanted. It was the perfect start to an awesome day at Sea World.

What a cute group of munchkins!

I have absolutely NEVER laughed as hard as I did during the killer whale show. Steph and the kids were convinced that they needed to sit on the front row in the "Soak Zone." I wanted to get some good pictures so I sat up about 20 rows from them. We put all the kids in their swimming suits and they couldn't wait for it to start.

This is where my kids were at when the splashing started!!!

Then this happened-

Every one of them came up in tears! lol. I couldn't even get great pictures because I was laughing so hard. :) It was so hilarious. We didn't even stay for the rest of the show. They wanted away from those stinking whales. I asked Carter what happened and he said, "I thought the water was going to be warm." That's a big negative on that buddy!

The soaking wet crew.

We then headed over to the Sesame Street play zones and climbed some crazy ropes. I followed the kids gathering shoes that kept falling through the holes.

Some random guy copping a feel on my sons butt! lol Oh wait, maybe he was helping him up. 

I didn't get any pictures of the other kids because they took off and were speeding through that course.

Cirque Du Soleil show. The kids loved this one!

I got to take the two older kids on "The Manta." Thanks Steph. It was a super fun roller coaster and it was fun to see these two together. They are still such great friends and were so happy to see each other!

Funny Story- Carter asked for his allowance. I gave him his $4.00 and he and Shae took off to spend it. Carter came back with a bucket of popcorn. I asked how he bought that because it was too much and he said, "I just gave the popcorn to the lady and gave her my money. She said it cost $ 5.89, but I said that's all I have. She just smiled and said I guess it's $3.89 for you." What a sweet lady. I hope she didn't have to pay for the missing $2.00 It was very kind of her. She made Carter's day!

Look at who the little ones found. It's ELMO! Big hugs. Aren't they so cute? You would never even know how hard the three of them are from this picture. lol.

Standing in line to feed the starving children! I had coconut shrimp and it was legit! I bought the kids chicken strips and strawberries. They all seemed to enjoy it.

This show was incredible! We loved the dolphin show. It was everyone's favorite of the day! The divers were so cool and Carter made sure to tell Shaely that his Grandpa can dive like that. lol. Carter and Shaely were a riot to listen too. Carter immediately said, "That's what I want to do when I grow up. I want to work with the dolphins and ride them around like that." Shaely turns back and says, "Yeah, I'll work here through college. It will be fun to be here together." :)

Steph bought some fish to feed these little babies! The kids were in Heaven. Everyone got to throw in a fish and see them up close. 

This may have been a snack break or something. 

I then swapped Steph for a few minutes while she took the big kids on a ride and I got to play with these three characters. Just check out those personalities. lol. They were hilarious!!! They loved to watch the polar bear and really wanted to go in with it. They were convinced it was a nice bear.

One last picture of the crazy group! We had an absolute ball with you and your family Steph. Thanks for making the time to see us. We can't wait until we are closer. We'll have to meet up for fun vacations to Big Bear and Disneyland. :) Love you guys!!!


  1. Looks like madness! I love that they didn't realize they were going to get wet. I couldn't stop laughing. How fun!

  2. I loved it! A picture is worth a thousand words. You had told me the story, but seeing it with pictures had me laughing out loud! What a blast. I'm glad you had that fun time together. I remember Julie taking Carter when he was little and him telling her that's what he wanted to be when he grew up, but then he clarified it and said he wanted to be a dolphin! I love kids!!!
