Thursday, July 5, 2012

Snow Cones and Splash Pads-

St. George was incredibly HOT and we did everything we could to cool down. Some of the favorites were buying snow cones and heading to the new splash pad in Hurricane. Every time I bought a snow cone I though of Rhett. :) Hurricane has the very best snow cones and almost inspired us to buy a snow cone maker and start a small business out here. :)

Hunter and Carter were running through the water and ran right into each other. Poor little guys.

Taylor LOVED the bucket that dumped. He just ran from one to the next getting dumped on. :) It was fun to watch them enjoying it so much.

I enjoyed visiting with my sister Jessica and my parents. They were real troopers to come down in the heat and watch the little boys play!

Jessica and I taught the little ones how to "warm up" while playing outside. It's really cute because now I catch them doing it all the time. The funniest though is when they lay down on the floor in the hall to try to warm up. lol

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun to have you and your little boys here for awhile. They are such little adventurers. We really loved getting to know them better. You are an amazing Momma!
