Monday, December 13, 2010

Bad example.....

I was so worried that I would never get the pacifier away from Ryker. He needed it and loved it so much more than any of the other kids. I was so happy when we took it away. It was a huge milestone for The Olsen family.


I should have been more worried about this little thumb sucker....

Because of his rotten example.....

I now have two thumb suckers! Grr... thumbs are harder than pacifiers. You can't just cut them up and throw them away.


  1. Technically I guess you could chop off their thumbs but you might get arrested for child abuse. Sorry. I don't have any advice. My kids didn't really do the prolonged binki thing. Jace didn't even like binkies at all. Brooke just loved my boobs. She's still obsessed with them. I hope that's not a sign of things to come.

  2. Oops. You tried it when you had watched Julie, but you did it more out of curiousity You stopped with a bribe of money.
