A couple Saturday's ago we planned another outing to get out of the house with the little ones. We chose Zakimi Castle Ruins. I really want them to get as much out of Japan as possible so we are trying so hard to cram everything in is such a short time. :( I'm afraid we won't get to see it all, but I really want to eat it all up before we leave. The kids have loved every bit of it. Anyway, Zakimi Castle Ruins was a great place to visit. We had such a great time exploring and letting the kids run around. Anything that takes a little of their energy is a great thing. The steps at the beginning were kind of a killer for the babies, but once we got up them it all was on the up an' up.

We usually try to get a family photo on our outings together since I have so many without Rhett due to us going while he's at work, but there wasn't anyone around. So we just took turns with the kids!

This was of the front door as Carter called it. He thought it was awesome and even asked if it was for giants. Being here in Japan... the people are rather short...so I really doubt it was for a giant! :)

Another doorway, can you find Carter and Taylor?

It was seriously such a cool place to visit. I'm glad we got to see it. We have been to a couple Castle Ruins and it has been an amazing experience!

This was me demonstrating to Rhett that I could easily scale up the side wall and breach the castle. :) I would have gone all the way, but was SUPER embarrassed when another military couple happened to walk around the corner. I quickly jumped down, but Rhett was cracking up. It was pretty funny. They just politely smiled as I tried to explain what I was trying to do.
Your little Island is Gorgeous! I'm glad you are all able to experience such beautiful things and learn about another culture. I'm a little envious!