Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Our family has has a really busy year in 2010. We just wanted to write a quick little note and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

A little about what we have been doing this year-

Rhett graduated from his 1 year residency at Nellis Air Base in August. What a great accomplishment. This was the hardest year of both our lives. I feel as though me and the kids never saw Rhett due to how busy the residency kept him. I am so proud of all the hard work he put in to make it through. We also got our "Top Choice" for the next base. Rhett was stationed to Kadena, Japan and a short week after he finished his residency we arrived in Okinawa, Japan. He works for the 18 DS (Dental Squadron) and is loving his job. He is a great dentist and enjoys that he gets to DO IT ALL now, from root canals to IV sedation and surgeries. He loves golfing and has had the chance several times to play on the beautiful courses of Okinawa. He is a great Dad and has all the kids begging for his attention most the time!

I have had a busy year this year. The twins and Taylor are keeping my hands full. I love to sneak off with the girls when I have the chance. I have gotten a couple pedicures from some extremely talented Japanese women. The small detail they paint on my stubbing little nails is absolutely great! I have also been sucking in Japan as fast as I can. I love everything about it here. I love taking the kids to do and see new things and am rewarded by the beauty of this tiny island everyday I'm here!

Carter is in first grade this year. He is such a great kid and is doing really well. He just won an award at his assembly last month. He got a positive action award. The little kids and I were so proud to be there and see him walk up and get his award. He is such a great helper and loves taking the trash down. He loves when we get the chance to do new adventures. He has just started loving video games and asks Dad to play with him whenever he gets the chance. He can smoke me at mario cart and loves to play sonic with Taylor.

Taylor is turning 4 years old in just a couple weeks. He is getting so big and loves SONIC. From the minute he wakes up he asks if we are getting to play it today. This world of video games is very new to me so I make sure we do a lot outside to make up for the game play in the boys lives. He gets dressed by himself for the most part which is a huge accomplishment. :) He acts a little like a baby and I look forward to getting him in preschool. I think it's to due with always being with the twins. He is a very affection little guy and LOVES to give kisses! Taylor is also my little collector and has his pockets full of a variety of things at all times. He loves wet wipes to "clean" and always has 2-3 in a little ziplock bag that he carries with his "treasures." These treasures change daily as he goes to bed and I put my stuff away. EX. stapler, hair clips, fork...ect. The next day he quickly rummages around and fills it up with random stuff he can find.

Hunter is my little adventurous boy. He loves to go with Mommy outside. He kind of does things without thinking through consequences like jumping on stairs, so I kind of have to watch this one. He is very into animals and anything that moves. It is torture to walk down the road with him because he has to look and pick up EVERYTHING from glass to snails. He is super curious about birds and would love if they would slow down so he could catch one. He is starting to talk really well and is my most polite child. He thanks me for everything. He especially loves when another child gets in trouble. :) He is great at saying prayers and prays for everyone he can think of. He is not a very great eater and we struggle at every meal. He has his favorite foods and suggests that I make pancakes for dinner every night.

Ryker is my little cuddler. He is a Momma's boy and loves to be right by me. He is also my little bully and teaser. He does things to Hunter and Taylor just to get a reaction from them. Little twerp! He loves to hold my hand when we are going for a walk. He is a little more cautious than Hunter. He is my AWESOME eater and I have no doubt he will soon be able to bench press Hunter and Taylor. He loves food and loves to help Mommy with the baking. He is a good little listener, but I have noticed that Ryker and Hunter both have started throwing tantrums lately. :( I mean full blown face to the carpet tantrums. I think the next few months will definitely be interesting. Ryker is also obsessed with being naked. Hopefully he will potty train smoothly.

Well, that has kind of been our year in a nutshell. We hope that the holidays find your family healthy and happy!

Merry Christmas from the Olsen Family 2010!!!


  1. Merry Christmas!!! I sure hope Santa finds you guys clear over there in Japan. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday! Love you Tons!

  2. Merry Christmas! I am so sorry to hear about your family separation. I hope everything works out for all of you and hope you had a Merry Christmas. Take care!
