We have had a great time getting ready for Christmas. The little boys are at such fun ages to really catch the holiday bug.
We put up the little Christmas tree on December 1st because we got a couple fun packages in the mail. We needed somewhere to put all those fun gifts. We have also had such a great time with the elf. He is really keeping these kids on the nice list, but really.... I can't lie! Taylor may not make the nice list this year. I try to remind him to be good, but it is just so hard for him. He has said many times after doing "naughty" things, "Mommy, I like to be bad!" Yikes! I'm going to have to watch that one. I notice he blames a lot of stuff on the babies, but I'll have to see if he's really the guy behind those messes.
We had a fun ward party. It was a great dinner party. They had the best ham and turkey with all the extras. It was a little different than the states, but super delicious! They had a couple weird sides like rice, sushi, and noodles, but it was all very good. They had a cute little program and the primary even did a great rendition of The Nativity. Such cute little stinkers. Anyway, we had a blast! Here's a couple pictures of the fun Christmas stuff we have been up to.
Hunter is my polite little helper. My favorite thing that he does right now is when he says, "Dank you Mommy." It's not how he says it that absolutely melts my heart, but WHEN he says it. (EX.) Dad pulls a weed out of Carter's head slicing his finger. Carter cries immediately, what a wimp. :) Taylor runs up to Dad and yells at him. "Daddy you hurt him... Don't hurt your kids." Ryker laughs like the picture to the left and Hunter comes up and says, "Dank you Daddy."
It was so funny to see everyone's different reaction to the circumstance. This is what I mean by I love WHEN he says it. Whenever anyone gets spanked he runs right up to the spanker and thanks them for it. :)
This is Taylor's smiley face lately. I hate when they try to hard. It's like please just give me a nice smile... not that grinding your teeth crap. He can be sweet, but lately I haven't seen him be nice as much as I've seen the "mean" Taylor.
Carter is very into being cool, sick, tight, and pretty much just totally rad right now! He plays it well. He is also such a great helper! I seriously couldn't go a day without his sweet little helping attitude. It doesn't hurt that I told him I thought he was old enough for an allowance! :)
We also went to Rhett's Christmas party last week. I got dressed up in this adorable dress and high heels only to come out and have Rhett tell me that I was TOO dressed up. I threw on a pair of black pants, heels, and a dressy top and out the door we headed. We got to the party and I kid you not everyone was in formal dresses. Sometimes I could just ring his neck!!! :) It worked out alright for me because there was a very few people that had on jeans?!? So I wasn't too underdressed.
Anyway, it was seriously such a fun time. They had an amazing meal and a fun raffle. They had lots of prizes and even had some hilarious games to win them. They played one where you had to collect different items from whoever had them and the last one standing won a laptop. They had musical chairs for a PS3. This was funny because they were blindfolded. They had a nasty apple that they drew names for people to take a bite out of it. The one who got the last of the red won a kindle. I got drawn to bite the apple. LUCKY!!! It had a bunch of red left though. I can only hope that the people that bit it before me had good dental hygiene. It was a dental party... so here's to hoping. :) Oh and they had a singing contest- NOT GOOD! :) Let's just say they should never go on American Idol or actually... they should probably never sing again. lol.
Rhett has always been pretty lucky with raffles and he didn't disappoint this year. He won this great new video camera. Good job Rhett!
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