Thursday, December 16, 2010

Strolling by the Seawall

One of our favorite things to do is taking a walk by the seawall. The kids love the beautiful pictures/art/graffiti that are drawn all over the wall. We actually brought down some chalk the other day and I let the kids make their own. I forgot my camera but let me assure you; I definitely have three little artists on my hands!

It has started to really cool off here. We actually put on jackets for our stroll. It was like 50 degrees today. That's a little chilly when you have been used to the 70's and 80's. :) It was fun to get all bundled up and run some of that energy out. We came back in and had a special treat with lunch. (Hot chocolate with loads of marshmallows.)

Usually when we walk by the seawall we end up over by the crabs, but on this day we went the other way and ended up at this fun little park out in the middle of no where! What a fun find. It has been a blast exploring Japan. I can only hope to keep up with taking my kids to see new things when we get back to the states!

Here are a couple of pictures of our favorite art! Although, we love all the japanese symbols too. I wonder how long it takes people to make a sign like this. Its seems like quite the talent... and though I hope to channel my little boys artistic talents into something more like dentistry. I can appreciate that everyone has different talents. Kudos to those people who have made our walk more fun and interesting.

Oh, and I am loving that the babies talk to each other. It is absolutely hilarious. Here Ryker was saying, "Look at dis one Hunter." Hunter ran over looked, then smacked him right in the face. They tease each other relentlessly, but it is so fun to have them playing together. I wish I could get them to play a little nicer, but usually it is all in fun! :)

Things I have overheard from the mouths of babes-

Hunter- "Dump it out, Ryker." He was referring to Ryker's cereal... which Ryker obeyed dumping the whole bowl onto the floor!

Ryker- "Take it off. Take it off." He was referring to their diapers. I immediately ran in to find them both naked and poopy diapers lying on the floor.

Taylor- "Hunter, bite Ryker. It will be funny." He did and Ryker was bawling by the time I ran in there. Ryker and did NOT think it was funny!
Hunter- "Frow em... Frow to me." This he was referring to eggs. This has happened a few times and it is usually Hunter's idea, but Ryker is the one that can open the fridge!

Carter- "Mom, where are my Japana's?" We were getting ready for Rhett's Christmas party and the kids had a pajama party.

These are mostly the naughty things I have heard lately, but I my babies love to say Thank you and I love you to each other. They really are very sweet.

Today we went down the elevator and we stopped on floor three to pick someone up. It was a marine and he had on his uniform. Ryker went right up to his leg and said, "I love you." The marine knelt down and scooped him right up. He gave him a little kiss on the head and said, "You know what little buddy? You just made my day. I love you too." I smiled as he thanked me for having such beautiful kids then he was on his way.

You know what marine? You made my day! I think they are pretty beautiful too! :)

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