Christmas morning was very exciting. The little kids woke up right around 5:45 which was a little early, but they tend to be early risers so not too much out of the norm. Carter was the first one out the door and he was SO excited. Taylor was equally excited. The babies just kind of came out and wondered around. Once they opened their stockings Hunter just went around and collected everyone's candy. They weren't really into presents this year, but liked the toys they got inside the paper!
Carter had asked for the red bionicle. It's a lego sort of toy. He not only got the red one, but he was stoked when he opened up the white one and the black one. He must have been an extremely good boy. I have really loved that my kids aren't greedy yet. He has only ever asked for one gift for Christmas and it is usually really cheap. I will keep my fingers crossed this will last a couple more years. I have doubts though because his friend got a nintendo ds and now Carter says maybe he'll ask for that next year. Yikes! :)
Taylor was a pretty sweet boy this year. All he wanted when asked was candy. :) It reminds me of when I was little and I just wanted candy, bubbles, and balloons. Anyway, he got some new clothes that were much NEEDED, a couple toys, and some candy. He was so excited he got what he wanted! :)
The babies could have cared less about unwrapping presents and LOVED the stockings. They pulled out a couple little toys and a little thing of candy and they were set. They spent the rest of the morning walking around asking everyone, "Peas open dis." They also had fun collecting everyone's candy and putting it in their pile. Their favorite gifts were the shape sorters, and the Dr. kit. They love giving people shots and making them drink the medicine or "mecin" as they call it. The shape sorters are funny. They love to have you point where the shape goes and then they do their best to force it in. Ryker will literally pound the shape for a couple minutes then just open up the top and put it in. Then he goes on to the next one. It is pretty funny to watch!
Me and Rhett also had a great year with some fun gifts. Rhett got a nike hat from Taylor and a 10 punch pass to a golf course from me. He also got call of duty black ops, which now we are already regretting. :)
I got a couple fun pair of dangly earrings and matching necklaces. Rhett also bought me some cologne that I love! Its' Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani. He used to wear it when we were dating and I fell in love with it. I always steal his and spray the little kids with it so when I hug them they smell SO good!. It is HEAVEN. Anyway, with me heading back I think I'll spray my pillow until I get used to sleeping alone! :)
Anyway, we had a very fun Christmas morning. The kids make everything so fun and exciting. It was fun to see how grateful they were for everything. We had also had a FHE on the real meaning of Christmas and it was fun to quiz the kids and see what they remembered. Carter did fantastic and Taylor even knew most of the answers! What sweet boys!
A special thank you to Melanie for sending money to pick out fun gifts. You got the kids the Dr. kit, a quiet book, and really fun chore charts for the big boys to earn an allowance!
Thank you Mom for the race car set, coloring stuff, and the shape sorters.
Thank you Grandma for the fun books, pizza cutter and peeler, and the fun musical toys for the kids.
I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas! We love you and missed seeing during the Holidays. I hope you have a wonderful new year--full of changes, but we wish you the best!