My Mom sent us this adorable book called "The Elf on the Shelf."
Here's how the story goes~
Have you ever wondered how Santa could know if you're naughty or nice each year as you grow? For hundreds of years it's been a big secret. It now can be shared if you promise to keep it.
At holiday time Santa sends me to you. I watch and report on all that you do. My job's an assignment from Santa himself. I am his helper, a friendly scout elf.
The first time I come to the place you call home you quickly must give me a name of my own. Once you are finished my mission can start. What will you call me - Markle or Zart? Will it be Foddle, Criddle, or Clyde? Fisbee's cute, too, but you must decide.
Each night while you're sleeping to Santa I'll fly to the North Pole right through the dark sky. Of course Christmas magic helps me to be quick. I laugh with my friends and report to Saint Nick.
I tell him if you have been good or been bad. The news of the day makes him happy or sad. A push or a shove I'll report to "the Boss," but small acts of kindness will not be a loss. In the car, at the park, or even at school the word will get out if you broke a rule.
I'll be back at your home before you awake, and then you must find the new spot I will take. You'll jump out of bed and come running to see: who'll be the first to spy little old me?
Maybe the kitchen, the bathroom, or den is where you will find me, your special elf friend. I can hide on a plant, a shelf, or a frame. Where will I be? Let's make it a game.
There's only one rule that you have to follow so I will come back and be here tomorrow: Please do not touch me. My magic might go, and Santa won't hear all I've seen or I know.
I won't get to tell him that you've said your prayers, or helped to bake cookies, or cleaned off the stairs. How will he know how good you have been? He might start to think you forgot about him.
I can't speak to you, so says Santa Claus. All of us elves have to follow his laws. I'll listen to you. Tell me your wishes. Would you like a game or some tiny toy dishes? The gleam in my eye and my bright little smile shows you I'm listening and noting your file.
The final decision with Santa now rests. What do you think? Will you get your request? The night before Christmas my job's at an end. The rest of the year with Santa I'll spend.
So blow me a kiss and bid me farewell. I'll fly away when I hear Santa's bell. Of course I will miss you, but wait 'til next year. When the holidays come I'll again reappear.
Until then I wish every girl and each boy a Christmas of peace and a year full of joy.
The Elf joined our family on December 1, 2010 and was named Professor X. I voted for Jingles, but was quickly outvoted by my 5 boys. I then asked if I could at least call him Professor X-mas and the answer was No. Taylor wanted Tutti Pants which I think is a mighty fine name for an elf, but he too was outvoted.
Right when we put him up Taylor went over and quietly whispered that he wanted candy for Christmas. Carter had a smug little look on his face and said, "Taylor it can't really be magic." Rhett and I both let out a little gasp and before we could even say one word he said, "Wait... I take it back." Then, he ran over and whispered that he wanted a red lego man for Christmas.
I love this. The kids LOVE to look for him every morning and have been pretty good. Even the babies think it's so fun to point him out to us.
A couple of Professor X's favorite spots to watch the family!
Thanks Mom for a very fun new tradition for The Olsen family!
Oh, and a shout out to Heather for typing up the story so I could just copy and paste! Love you Heather!!! :)
LOVE IT! Professor X - okay maybe Scott is better. The reason that I thought Scott was weird was that the only Scott Jace knew was a close family friend of ours in Washington. (My friend Genevieve's husband) I let him know that Jace named our elf after him - he thought it was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteCute spots for the elf to hide. Sometimes ours forgets to move... we were really worried that he lost his magic one morning because he stayed in the same spot. ;) Oops. Jace looks for hime every morning before school. Then we got another one from my visiting teacher so we named him Oodles. - I should have considered Tutti pants though.
That is so cute! I've heard of the book but didn't know what it was about til now! Now I want too! So much fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad everyone is enjoying having an elf in their home for Christmas!