Saturday, December 4, 2010

Naughty Naughty Naughty!!!

I really don't know how to explain how hard it is to raise twins, but seriously it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! It's so much different than having one kid at a time. They are just so NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY!!! I have been struggling for some time with nap time. It hasn't been going well at all! They are so tired and need to take one so bad, but they just fight it so hard.

I started trying to get them to sleep in a room together. This went horribly! They kept each other up to play and always made HUGE messes! I then tried to separate them. This also didn't work and just left me with twice the mess. I would have to clean up both the destroyed rooms and they still never even took a nap! I try to take a quick shower while Taylor watches a quiet time movie. I learned that I REALLY can't shower at this time and just need to watch the babies.

One day, they snuck out of their room and got into the fridge. It was so gross to come out and find milk, cheese, yogurt, and EGGS all over the floor. We have had several incidents with eggs and I have hated every single one of them. I don't know what it is with the babies and throwing eggs at each other.

Another time, they crawled into the dresser and pulled out all the markers. They drew on every single wall. I mean not just a little, but marked them up horribly. I scrubbed until I thought my hands were going to bleed. I called Rhett in tears and had him pick up some magic erasers at the BX on his way home. ( They are my newest best friend- seriously amazing things. Thank you Mr. Clean. I love you!) I scrubbed and got all the marker off, but was so discouraged when it happened for the next two days in a row. They had dropped a couple markers down the side of the bed and I hadn't noticed them. I threw away ALL the crayons, markers, and colored pencils except a tiny box that I keep up high for Carter to do his homework. I thought that would work to keep the messes down and my sanity in tact.

It did for two days until they decided to strip off their diapers and paint all over the wall with their crap!!! Grrr... poop is the GROSSEST thing in the world. I hate changing poopy diapers and I hate wiping Taylor's butt after he goes in the toilet. I hate when Carter asks me to come and see it and my answer is NO and always will be NO! I think poop is GROSS!!! The babies have no problem with poop and think it's awesome! They have always been the babies to take off their diaper and eat, throw, and paint with it! :( I don't know why!

The other thing they always do is that they pull out all the clothes from all the dresser drawers. I hate cleaning them up after every single nap. I can't keep up as it is... I really don't need to do the same thing every single day several times!

I started making the babies sleep out in the living room with a towel, blanket, and their little Pooh Bear. This worked for three or four days. Then they just played around. It didn't matter if I tried time out or spanked the poor kids. This just riled them up even more!

My babies now sleep in their bedroom in the swings. Please don't judge! You can judge only when you have walked in my shoes for a couple weeks. :) So far, it's been FANTASTIC! It does make me nervous though because Hunter climbed out by himself the other day. I'm hoping it was just a fluke, but time will tell! Sorry for all the venting, but these kids are going to be the death of me!

The living room sleeping arrangements!



The fridge mess. Not the kind of thing you want to see right after you finished mopping the floor!

The poop painting. Gross!!!!

They did all the walls and I guess they didn't want to waste any poo so they started in on the mattress. :(

Markers markers everywhere!



More on the walls!

Caught in the act. They say if you take a picture you can laugh about it later! It's still not funny to me. Maybe when they have their own little monsters. :)

Helping mommy clean up. They thought it was so fun to clean up and ask me for wet wipes to "wash" everyday now.

You might be a blue neck if.....

What sweet, clean, little monsters!

Babies- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be nice to Mommy. She needs a break!


  1. I'm so sorry Becky! It is kinda funny when it's not me though ... lol. Twins have to be so hard. I just can't even imagine it. It was horrible when Brooke used to poop paint - NOT funny at all at the time because I was the one cleaning it up. Now I can look back and laugh but it took a long time. Good luck with those blue neck little stinkers. :) When are you going to be back in Utah? Sometime in January?

    By the way, next time I would suggest buying the washable markers - they wipe right off with wet saves a lot of scrub time.

  2. Naughty, naughty, naughty is why I quit babysitting when Jessica was little. She and the other Jessica got into more trouble than any of our other kids combined. Good Luck!

  3. Gracious Becky!! My heart goes out to you! They should only be so lucky to have a mommy as great as you....and one day they'll realize it! I promise!!

    Mr. Clean is my hero too! : )
