Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We love OUR dentist!

So all the kids had dentist appointments last week. This was a pretty stressful day for me. I had to "coach" Taylor every couple minutes about what they were going to do and how he could help them. Last time we went to the dentist, Taylor opened his mouth and they did a couple of bite wings, but then refused to open his mouth for the dentist. Grrr... this is so aggravating for me because for crying out loud his Dad is a dentist. He just put his arm up over his eyes, clamped his little mouth tight, and cried his eyes out. Finally, the dentist just smiled and said, "Just have Rhett take a look at home." It was seriously so embarrassing. I pleaded with him, bribed him, and darn near pulled him out of the chair for a spanking, but to no avail! He would not open up!

I was NOT going to have a repeat of that experience so weeks before the appointment I started coaching Taylor and telling him what to do. I continued this coaching days before and even minutes before he was called back. I am THRILLED to say that all that hard work payed off. He opened right up for her to see his pearly whites! Woohoo! I think it helped she was such a cute girl. :) I'm pretty sure he would have done about anything she asked of him.

Little Hunter watched Ryker go first and he did an excellent job. She did mention that he will need braces due to the thumb sucking, but no cavities for these two cuties! Good job babies. She did say they have super deep grooves though which means I should probably have Rhett seal those up.

Ryker was the very first one to get done. He was such a trooper. He loved the "magic" chair and even Hunter wanted to get a good look at it. He periodically went over to check on him through the cleaning. :) They both did fantastic and opened right up. They giggled a little while she did the toothpaste though!

She put glasses on the kids so the light wouldn't get in their eyes and I guess so spit and stuff didn't fly up there. The kids thought they were pretty awesome! Taylor and Carter kept saying to call them Scott from x-men. It was some pretty cool stuff. They were really great with all the little ones!

Rhett's co-worker got the kids right in. She is seriously so great! I want everyone to take a good look at this picture to the right--- See that? Taylor has his mouth wide open! Yeehaw! I cannot stress how bad this appointment could have gone! Oh and no cavities for any of the kids! Yay! I get us brushing their teeth every night is actually doing some good. We'll see about when they get older and they have to brush their own teeth! That will be the real test! :)

Sweet little Hunter. The glasses were a little big and kept sliding up on his forehead! He was seriously such a good boy. He laughed on the chair and besides almost choking when she suctioned after the cleaning he did a great job. His favorite part was the sticker drawer. Unfortunately she had shown him where it was before his turn... so when she went to give him one she noticed he already had three on his shirt from helping himself. :)

Anyway, it was a little stressful to take four kids into the dentist by myself, but it went really well. They really loved the dentist, but their favorite dentist is the handsome guy that came to check on them in between his patients! Their faces just lit up with excitement. He also let them go to his office and gave them a cookie right after they had finished up. Shame on him, but then again, that's why they just love his guts! :)


  1. Yeah! No cavities.

    I need to be better about brushing my kids teeth at night. Usually I just send Jace in to brush his own but I don't think he does a very good job.

  2. Tell those boys "Good Job" from me. They are sure cute little guys.

  3. Poor Taylor! I wonder what happened during that initial dentist visit to make him not want to open his mouth. I'm glad to hear that all your hard work paid off, and he did way better at his next dental visit! Here's hoping it stays that way for all future visits! Great to hear that your other babies have healthy teeth as well!

    -- Reginald Cooper
