Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pizza in the Sky~

Before we moved to the island there were several places that people said we had to go. This happened to be one of them. It was fun to see, but I was a little disappointed about this "amazing view" it was suppose to have. I guess that we have been a little spoiled living where we live right on the water... because everything else just doesn't compare.

It was a fun experience to go. We went with the Smith Family. They have been really great friends here. Rhett actually did his residency with Aaron's twin brother Jake. I know talk about a small world. It was lucky for us to have immediate friends here. I met Aaron's wife Kristen in the TLF playroom. She came in to play and brought her two kids, Lily and Gunnar. Taylor and Gunnar butted heads right away and Taylor put his little fist up and said to Gunnar, "Do you want me to give you a knuckle sandwich?" I was a little embarrassed, but Kristen just laughed it off. :)

Pizza in the Sky is a little different than Pizza Hut or really any pizza place I have been before. When you get there they have two seating areas. Your choices are outside or inside? If you choose outside you will be sitting on picnic tables. If you choose inside you will be sitting on little mats on the floor. With four adults and six kids we had a very easy choice! Outside it was. It was a beautiful evening so it worked out really nice.

Once you are seated they hand you a cute little fan (menu) that has the choices on it. The choices are pretty limited. They have a small pizza, large pizza, salad, and a couple of drink choices. You don't choose the toppings you just get whatever the pizza of the day is. When we went they had meat, similar to cut up hot dogs, sauce, cheese, and green peppers, and corn?!? It sounds pretty gross, but it actually tasted so good. We also ordered a salad. It was made up of a small amount of lettuce, cheese, corn, and a MOUNTAIN of onions! The dressing was really good, but the salad wasn't the best we have had. Neither Rhett or myself are huge onions eaters and that's what this salad was mostly. Overall, we really liked this place. I thought it was a little pricey, but it wasn't too bad for Japan. We had a really great time playing with the Smith family. The kids love when we all get together!

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