I have had more fun with these three little ones than is probably fair. They love to go out and explore. The other day I started cleaning the kitchen and noticed we had a whole loaf of moldy bread. Ew... gross! So we decided it had been a little while since we had been to feed the fish. We got dressed, spiked hair, and ran down to the van. It was a beautiful morning and I knew if we played hard for a couple hours they would all take a great nap when we got home.
We started by feeding the fish and when we ran out of the bread we chased birds. Up and down the dock over and over we chased those poor pigeons. The birds finally got a clue that we were here to stay and took off. We then RACED up and down the dock! What a blast for little boys to be able to just run and run without slowing down or stopping. :) The whole time Taylor singing in his adorable little voice, "Run, run, fast as you can I'm a big mean gingerbread man." We had read the story a couple days ago and he must have really liked it.
Funny story- while we were there Ryker walked over to this goat and was trying to kiss his face. The goat thought this little boy was a little too close for comfort and nudged him with head. Ryker wouldn't give up though. He really LOVES goats. He got a little leaf to feed it and right as he came up close the goat totally rammed into his legs, taking them out from under him. Ryker didn't cry, but got up and said in his cute baby/toddler voice, "No goat, you to time out... no be mean a me." I gave Ryker a huge hug and he explained what happened. I had seen the whole thing, but it was funny to hear it from him as he held my face right next to his. I know to most of you that doesn't sound like a funny story. Maybe you just had to be there for it. It was hilarious! :)
Anyway, they had goats, chicks, turtles, rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, and a pony. The kids were in HEAVEN. We then went over and scrubbed our hands with soap. I was a little grossed out touching all the animals. I guess it's just not my thing! I don't hate animals. I love going to the zoo and I would LOVE to have a salt water tank. Fish count, right?
You guys sure have a lot of fun!