Monday, December 20, 2010


We went to Okuma for Thanksgiving. Yes, I am actually that far behind on the blog. :) I have been so busy playing that we I guess I just haven't gotten around to posting everything. So bare with me.

Okuma is this awesome little beach resort on the North part of Okinawa. It's about an hour and a half from our house. We have wanted to go there since we first moved here and heard about how fun and relaxing it is up there. Kristen called me up about a month and a half before Thanksgiving and said they were going to book a room and wanted us to come and join in the fun. They were completely booked for Thanksgiving night, but they had the Wednesday night before it opened. I checked with Kristen who assured me that Rhett and Aaron had off the Wednesday so we could drive up early to play. (Well that information was wrong.) They didn't have it off so we ended up driving up there LATE Wednesday night and got there right as we should be putting kids to bed. We let the munchkins play with Gunnar and Lily for a little while then shuffled all the kids to bed. After we got them asleep the adults walked around Okuma a little and mostly ended up just catching up and visiting. It was a lot of fun to have adult conversation. I feel like I get very little of it so I just LOVE it.

The next morning we took turns feeding the kids pop tarts while the other couple went and had a nice hot breakfast. It was seriously SO good. I had pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, and toast. Rhett had french toast and biscuits and gravy. All of it was delicious. We then met back up with all the kids and got everyone ready for the day. We thought of a couple different activities to do and came up with a some fun ones for the kids. We would go for a bike ride, mini golf, go eat at the Thanksgiving buffet, then head to the beach. Kristen and Aaron had put their names on a waiting list for a second night so we decided to do the same. They had a couple cabins open, but we were waiting for a hotel room. The cabins didn't have a bathroom in them... and with kids and the beach, it was a must! Thankfully we both got one.

The bikes were awesome. The kids had such a fun time while we wheeled them all over Okuma. The kids also liked the mini golf. The twins had a hard time toward the end because it was nap time and we hadn't got a room yet. That meant there was no where to lay them down... so there were a lot of tears! The food was amazing. They had all the traditional foods plus lots of seafood and Japanese food. I loved it there. I was so glad that we got the second night. We played a lot in the sand and water and then headed back to the room for baths, snacks, and a movie. What a wonderful relaxing getaway.

We thought it was cute that the babies crawled in with the big boys to sleep. They sure love their big brothers.

Me and Rhett waiting for our breakfast to come. Yummy!

It was so pretty there. It's on a small strip so it is basically Ocean all around you.

This was the bike we rode around. It was so fun for all of us to fit. It was pretty hard work for me and Rhett to push all that weight, especially the hills were total killers, but we all had a ball!

A little hike to a lookout.

Rhett and his babies headed back down.

Carter LOVES the beach.

Rhett in the water.

Taylor with a stick in his hand. He is my little collector. Shells, rocks, and sticks are his favorite things to pick up and keep, but he also carries around a little ziplock bag at home that has stuff ranging from a tiny stapler to wet wipes?!? What a nutty kid!

The babies also loved the sand and water. It was such a fun time there.

Carter did great with the mini golf.

Rhett showing Taylor the right way to hold the club.

This was Ryker watching his Mommy golf. Some of the shots I was pulling off were pretty impressive. I think Rhett gave me that exact look at times.

Me and Ryker looking for some pretty shells.

The little boys splashing in the waves.

We were so glad for a little vacation. It was fun for the little boys to get to spend some time with their Daddy. It is definitely a place that we are glad that we got to see while in Okinawa. Happy Thanksgiving. Oh and I should probably say Happy Valentines Day too. Maybe by then I'll be caught up.

1 comment:

  1. We sure love seeing your adventures! Thanks for posting your fun blog! Love and Miss you guys--Merry Christmas
